Coding dev_1


1. Get a bit of the environment don't playtest the rat, get train, rat, tracks, and cheese models, and have the movement for the rat mostly done.

2. we have accomplished all we wanted.

3. expand on the environment, get more models, and code for picking up cheese.

4. I will need to learn how to code how to pick up items.


1. me and my team were playtesting our environment and movement and how it feels.

2.  I learned that the rat can inf jump and has a hard time going upstairs.

3.  I'm not gonna lie I forgot who playtested our game.

4. I saw that the collision with the rat and the environment needs to be tweaked and the camera is a bit far and this was also the feedback.

5. I've learned something I can do with the camera but won't be permanent I think.

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